Second-hand textiles: Educational materials

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Nani Pajunen: When reality bites: Circular economy solutions across diverse industrial sectors

If you can not see the “When reality bites” video, you can watch it here (YouTube)

Olga Gurova: Circular Business Models – what companies say about challenges and opportunities

If you can not see the “Circular business models” video, you can watch it here (YouTube)

Mikko Siukosaari: Developing circular value chains and business by creating new partnerships

If you can not see the “Developing circular value chains” video, you can watch it here (YouTube)

Ann Runnel: How to find business value in textile industry through digitalisation?

If you can not see the “How to find business” video, you can watch it here (YouTube)

Timo Huhtamäki: Extending product life cycles, through design and development

If you can not see the “Extending product life cycles” video, you can watch it here (YouTube)

Webinar: Why second hand is not yet the ultimate solution to all textile-related issues

If you can not see the webinar video, you can watch it here (YouTube)

Webinar: Is reuse a solution for circular transition of textiles?

If you can not see the webinar video, you can watch it here (YouTube)

Is reuse a solution for circular transition of textiles? In this webinar, you can hear experiences and research results on the reuse of textiles.

If you can not see the webinar video, you can watch it here (YouTube)

The Baltic2Hand project has carried out extensive desk research and interviewed several textile and fashion organizations in the Central Baltic region to map out the challenges and potential opportunities in the industry. One of our key focus areas also includes consumer behavior trends regarding their use and consumption of textiles.

Service Design Training, Part 1

If you can not see the training video, you can watch it here (YouTube)

The Baltic2Hand “train the trainer” sessions are designed to prepare and equip our project partners with the knowledge and skills needed to facilitate their own local workshops/hackathons/design jams for our project participants.

You can watch other train the trainer videos here:

Circular economy principles and key concepts – training by Double Round (YouTube)
Economy tools and methods by Double Round (YouTube)
Train the trainer – Legislation (YouTube)

These materials were created in the Baltic2Hand project which is an Interreg Central Baltic Programme 2021–2027 project that is co-funded by the European Union. Read more about the Baltic2Hand project.